Friday, November 26, 2010

Questions of Revelation

"Why is the world such a mess?"

"Why do undeserving people sit on the crown of glory?"

"How do the innocents get so helpless?"

"Why do I feel like the world just doesn’t get it?"

"Where do I go from here?"

"What can I get out of this?"

"What's my direction in this world?"

"What's waiting for me next?"

"How come I feel so tired in the things I do?"

"What would make me fulfilled?"

"Why do I constantly search for purpose in every single thing I do?"

"What do I truly want?"

'"Why was I created with such thoughts and perspectives?"

"What's the purpose of my life?"

 * * *

"WHY do you think about the world?"

"What's in it that's not in ME?"

"Why search for temporal things that FADE?"

"WHY WORRY too much?"

"Are MY PLANS for you so vague?"

"Or are you so FAR that you cannot see?"

"Why do you constantly question Me?"

“Don’t you TRUST My plans I have for you and everything else?”

"WHY focus on what you can get?"

"Why not center on what you can DO?"

“HOW do you plan to live your life?”

"As many as it is, it's still MY PURPOSE that PREVAILS"