October 16-17, 2010, went up to Baguio for our store visitation. On our way up, i can't help but stay awake immersing myself with the beauty of nature. I was once again inspired by God to create a poem glorifying His majestic creations everywhere :)
Natural Creations
Oh Lord, how wonderful it is,
Having to See all these creations,
From the blue skies and highest valleys,
To the vast lands and green plantations.
Oh Lord, how pleasant it is,
Having to Smell all these creations,
From midnight wind and rainforest leaves,
To defensive skunks and distinctive scents.
Oh Lord, how excellent it is,
Having to Hear all these creations,
From the rumbling thunder and tossing waves,
To the chirping birds and hooting owls.
Oh Lord, how awesome it is,
Having to Taste all these creations,
From citrus fruits and red hot chilis,
To brewed coffee and chunky sirloins!
Oh Lord, how magnificent it is,
Having to Feel all these creations,
From the sun's heat and warm breeze,
To the calming raindrops and cold seasons.
Oh Lord, how marvelous You are,
The Source of myriad existences.
Infinite Creator of all, thus far,
From and To with Your perfect presence.
Beautiful indeed! :)