Monday, July 30, 2012

My blueprint in CELINE

NOTE: This is not a speech. Hahaha..
November 2009 ~ July 2012

My blueprint in CELINE

Working in Celine Marketing Corporation has been a learning experience. I was in a position of Brand Associate Trainee under Celine Local Shoes: R&D and Merchandising. What do I do? Well I try to keep up with the trends, train my eyes on spotting good shoes from bad. I come up with a batch of local shoes for Celine brand. I monitor my “babies” (shoes) and feed them as they become healthy (or get sick, sad to say). I wouldn’t mention anymore the intricate descriptions of my job as to shorten it. Bottomline, I revolve around shoes and shoes and endless shoes everyday of my working life.

Sounds fun isn’t it?  On a moment there, yes it is. You get to work with fashionable or talented people and be inspired. You get to be ahead and involved in the creation of a trend. You get to know the newest merchandise before it gets to the market. You get to design the kind of shoes that you like and let the market buy it afterwards. You get to choose the kind of materials, style, cut and comfort;  leather, satin, suede, snake skin; sandals, slides, pumps, gladiator;  stilettoes, wedges, platforms, chunky heels;  low-cut, mid-cut, high-cut; you name it, I’ll develop it!  It feels like Imelda-Marcos-turned-into-a-designer!  You get to feel elated when your shoe creations start growing.  Plus the perks, you get to have free shoes and employee sale items!

On the other side, if you are assuming that I have a lot of shoes, well, I don't know if around 30 pairs of it could be considered a lot.  But they're all in my closet sleeping!  Since I started seeing shoes each and everyday, my appetite for them became lesser and lesser!  I was more interested in creating shoes than wearing them!  And so, yeah, for my co-workers who's very observant, I am always to be found wearing flats (sandals or ballerinas) that's easy to stroll around with; sometimes even just flip flops O.o

Working there for 2.75 years (yep, 0.75 years calculated hehe) really made me a happy person no matter how busy work may be, as I enjoyed my job and was fulfilled with my vision during the time I applied. My vision was to climb the corporate ladder and be able to contribute in the industry. I even remember asking the company President, Mrs. Vicky Chan, if job rotation was possible. Yes, I wanted to learn every bits and pieces and be successful in the field of fashion! And before I forget, my thesis was all about shoes as well!  I made a Collapsible Heeled Shoe!  So there it is.. Shoes since college until July 2012.

Year 2011, I started experiencing a vision shift.  It felt like as if my primary purpose of working was fading away.  To sum up in one statement, I felt burdened towards the social welfare.  Looks far, isn't it?  I didn't plan for it to happen.  It sort of just came knocking in my heart, and as much as I tried ignoring it, there was no peace.  It felt like I wanted to achieve something which I still don't know what or how.  Talk about quarter-life crisis!  For a period of time, I was frozen and felt a drag in my work.

During those moments, God talked to me through the following verses:

Col 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.

Eph 6: 5-6 Bondservants, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ; not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart.

One thing is clear.  The "heart" was mentioned consistently.  In everything, the heart should be the drive towards our actions and goals.  The heart should be heard or there would be no drive at all with the things you do.  BUT in line with this, in your heart, there, God should be, as the Master of your life, as He is our Creator and Designer of everything!  Only by then will you be able to work out of purpose and joy beyond what the daily duty calls of.   Work for money, but be sure to spend it wisely.  Work for your family, but be sure to treasure your family beyond work.  Work for success, but be sure to use your success to empower others.   In everything, there should be purpose which drives us far beyond our capabilities.  It is the purpose where you'll see God working in you and through you!

I believe God led me in Celine to experience the fulfillment that I was searching before, and to really appreciate all the learnings and trials that came along the way. It was a stepping stone that took a lot of effort and hard work. Trainings, contributions, and enlightenment from my boss, Mam Joy Chan-Tan, and my co-workers (you know who you ALL are). Relationships built with people that’ll be treasured in immeasurable ways. Most importantly, it was a journey that brought me to another new vision that I have right now.  Even though it is still unclear, I am at peace that I am one step closer to finding out His purpose for me.  God indeed kept His promise of being with me, and I know through my journey ahead, where He now calls me, He will always be by my side :)

Please take note again that this entry is not a speech! hehe..  Regards to everyone! :)